Spice of Kindness

Programs > Spice of Kindness

Spice of Kindness

Spice of kindness is a Medical outreach, in which we provide medical support for vulnerable, under-served children and teenagers in the society. The ones that seem to be abandoned by the society by virtue of requiring special medical aids get to receive Adlai Heroes help with open arms.

The aids covered are but not limited to these are children with down-syndrome, the blind kids and teenagers, children with hearing impairment or speech impediment, those who require special surgeries receive financial aid for such operations.

We Need You

We do realize that there is no way for us to fully appreciate or pay you back for your support to the organization.

“If we don’t transform the world, who will? If not now, when? -Werner Erhard

We sincerely hope you help us, in transforming the world to a better place, for who else will benefit and make it happen but this emerging generation.